Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I meant to post this last night but was too tired to log in...sad I know.

Anyhow I wanted to get the first chapter done over the weekend however that didn't work out so well, so here is a snippet of what I have so far.

The dream was the same every time, a muffled voice speaks soft words and a man’s distorted face swims before her eyes.  There are other sounds that filter through but all that matters in the dream is the voice and face.  He seems kind and is probably the voice she hears but it is hard to tell, his features twist and morph with each move she tries to make.  She can feel herself floating but there are also ties that hold her, a mask over her mouth and nose; wires attached to her wrist that she can see from the corner of her eye. 
She tries to speak, she does every time she has the dream, but the mask prevents her jaw from moving more than a few inches, he sees her effort her and he smiles.  The voice fills her ears again, she can see his mouth moving; suddenly her surroundings shake and her shoulder gently bumps a smooth surface, glancing to the side a series of muted colors flash on a shimmering surface.  Looking back the man’s face is contorted; fear and concern mar his features, but if that is how he feels or just the substance she floats in she doesn’t know.  He rests a hand in front of her, floating against her confinement; she can tell the smile he gives her is strained and it breaks her heart.  She wants to help him, be close to him thought she can’t say why.  Another shiver shakes her world and the man turns quickly away.  She reaches for him, the wires pulling tight against her wrist; fingertips brushing the smooth surface, a little further and she can do something, anything to help the man.  A bright light blinds her eyes and the world shakes, her head slams against a wall and the lights are suddenly in her head.  Darkness rises like a wave, overwhelming her as other louder voices follow her into the emptiness.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So I have refined the idea a bit, thanks to some good advice from an old friend this isn't going to be straight fan fiction, but a re-imagining with my own twist.  So yes there will be recognizable Xenosaga-ness to it but not enough that it would be considered fan fiction, and if it was it would be so far Alternate Universe I doubt anyone would read it for the pleasure of the Xeno-verse. 

As it is now I spent what little time I had today working over the plot and trying to set up a direction, the problem I realized almost immediately was that to incorporate the old fan fiction plot I was going to have to explain the character's and their relationships...which means going back and tweaking the Xeno mythos to be in line with what I already have.  So what that means is at least an additional 3-4 chapters of fresh material.  Which on one hand excites me but on the other is kind of daunting.  Bah lets stay with exciting. 

Now comes the hard part, part of the Xeno-verse I really enjoyed was how everything was connected and well, sounded cool.  I mean unique is that for basically pod-people; what this means for me, to satisfy my brain, is coming up with equally cool and terms and names for the characters.  The characters shouldn't be to hard but the terminology is another story.  Part of the process thought right? 

Ok basically to go where I want the back round is set seven years prior to the main story, enough time for things to build to a boiling point and the antagonists plans to be ready.  Also as cute as Jr and MOMO are in canon I don't want to get the whole pedo argument going hence why they won't meet and really show signs of things until they both are "grown up". 

Aaand I am cutting the cast considerably, Xenosaga had a huge cast and story that was hard for fans to even follow sometimes; the center of this is supposed to be the interaction of two character's and how they changed each other.  That being said character's such as KOS-MOS, Allen, chaos and such will either have no roles or minor guest appearances.  I think this not only keeps me more sane but also will keep the story tighter in the end.

I have the past plot all setup and can hopefully get the first chapter in rough draft by this weekend, if not no big deal.  This is going to take some time and I need to be patient, that said look for a blurb or preview this week. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where did I put those jumper cables?

I'm terrible at starting things like this.  I get an idea and excitement fills me then I see the work that is involved and I chicken out half way through.  Well I cobbled together this page, sorry if it hurts your eyes I promise to adjust that, and that is more than I have done in the past.  Good start right?  Let's hope so.

The whole point of this is to chronicle my journey to the last word of an original novel, that however is somewhere in the distance. 

I tried this all once before on LiveJournal, granted it was much less ambitious, hopefully a fresh start someplace new will kill the old demons and allow me to follow through with it, guess only time will tell.

Ok the start, that where things like this usually begin right?  Good of place as any.  They say to write what you know and as of right now the thing I know best and feel most comfortable writing is Xenosaga.  What the fuck is that you ask?  It's a video game series for the Playstation 2 that was overly ambitious, plagued by cast and crew changes and a victim of it's own story.  Not to say it is bad, not in the least if it was it wouldn't be my focus right now would it?

Yes this will be fan fiction, that evil beast that supposedly talentless hacks write in the basement of their parents homes surrounded by creepy shrines to character's and worlds that aren't real.  Let me tell you this though, I have read many, many fan fiction stories and I can tell you that a plethora of them are better writers than a good portion of published authors.  Argue this if you want but it's my opinion, the plan is to write my own fan fiction to hone my writing skills as well as give me time to come up with an original story and flesh out the details of it.  Does that elude to hope of originality on the horizon, bet you ass it does; for now though you'll have to bear with me.  Deal with it.

I will give you a brief overview of Xenosaga's story line however that is another post in of itself so for now I will end it here.  So welcome to my little world, the sun is up, the coffee is brewing(or beer chilling, depending) and my search for Calliope has just begun.


This is test.